Instructor Espantalho


>Brazweb.Net Musica no Perfil<

        Sandro Felix Pereira Biography

This performer has been in the artistic and cultural market for 14 years. This time has included projects related to the arts of African dance, theatre, music, and Angola Capoeira. He has preformed throughout Brazil, and the United States. He has spent time exploring different aspects of these arts and is well versed in teaching, dancing, choreographing, and performing them.

Sandro studied at the Federal University of Bahia in Brazil with a concentration in music. In 2001 and 2002 he directed and performed separate shows for 2different schools. He directed dancers from the E.O.S (Escola Oficina do Salvador), company for the prominent Carnaval celebration in 2003.

In 2005 brought an invitation to join the staff of Pierre Verger Foundation composing and choreographing productions. In 2006, he was invited and preformed at a cultural fair in Fort Sao Marcelo, Brazil. For 8 years he continued to travel and perform in various states throughout Brazil.

Later in 2006, with the Pierre Verger Foundation, the Ministry of the Culture of Brazil invited him to the Miami Book Fair to exhibit his knowledge of Afro-Brazilian dance. He accepted and preformed in the United States for the first time.

This experience and his knowledge of up and coming capoeria trends eventually led him to a position in 2008 as the Co-Master of Angola Capoeira for the North Star Capoeira group located in Indianapolis, Indiana.  

In the beginning of the year of 2009 Sandro decided to return to United States to live and to continue with his artistic run. In the middle of February 2009 Sandro was invited to be part of the presentation of Carnival with the group Sancocho, in the restaurant Jazz Kitchen.

Later on February 2009 Sandro continues working with Capoeira in many schools performances, events and receiving a lot requests for classes.  He decided then created his own Capoeira Group in Indianapolis called Group of Capoeira Angola Ginga Aê Camara.

Sandro’s goal is to continue to create and organize a group that provides presentations that spread the Afro-Brazilian ancestral culture and social roots through working with adolescent children and adults.