Capoeira (ca-po-wade-uh) Angola is a Martial Art that was developed in Brazil by the Africans who were living there in slavery. 




 Math & Science Academy




  St. Anthony School











 Group of Capoeira Angola Ginga Aê Camará



After received a lot classes requests Sandro Felix and Rosangela Pinheiro decided to create a Capoeira group in Indianapolis. We have begun our cultural work by teaching after schools for pre-school children and performing in different events. We taught the children self defense movements, how to play instruments, Brazilian language and the culture. 


 Our goals



The Capoeira Angola Ginga Aê Camará’s goal is to provide the students a work-out of both: the body and mind trough cultural understanding and improving motor skills, reflex, posture and flexibility. Our objective is also to promote this art form for future capoeiristas and maintain the capoeira tradition.

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